(March, 2020)
I have been thinking a lot about embodiment and how disassociated from my body I tend to feel in my day to day (not only now but also before).
Movement is an essential part of my life, and yet sometimes there’s so much of it I check out from what my body is doing. Part of this is because we are taught to think of our bodies uniquely as sites if production - only valuable when they are in movement.
Right now we are being forced to rethink how we understand our physicality because the systems in which our bodies exist are not sustainable. They are not build to support sick bodies, tired bodies, or bodies that are not normative.
So during this time in isolation, I chose to give my body patience. I chose to reimagine the systems that tell me to disassociate rather than tune in.
There are some things I can only express in movement. Others I haven’t figured out how to say yet. Maybe they’ll surface in stillness
Music by Savanah Brown